Synopsis: When a haunted highwayman sets his sights on innocent travellers, it won't take long for The Frontiersman to start investigating these robberies.
Creators (with Twitter handle):
I.J. v. H.
J. F.
P. M.
Voice Actors (with Twitter handles):
The Frontiersman/Trapper – Jonathan Monk
The Fur Trader/Coyote - David Wandelt @dwandelt
The Nobleman/James Byron - Jakob Drummond @JakobDrummond
Annoyed Citizen - Drew Boboltz @hupfva
Town Mayor - Ryan Gault @GaultVo
Crane - Cameron Gergett @JasperZoink
Therese - Kathryn Stanley @kstanley42
Thug Nr .1 - Kieran Walsh @ataleof2kierans
Thug Nr. 2 - Cai Gwilym Pritchard @mynameisnotcai
Thug Nr.3 - David Lamb @DavidLambVA
Thug Nr.4, The Dullahan - Jay Callan @JayCallanVa
Frightened Traveller - Samuel-Alejandro Fuentes @RHoDoom
Frightened Man - Moosedup Productions @ProducerMoose
Frightened Woman - Kayla Valderas @VA_Valderas
Artist (only Twitter handle):
Sound Effects and Music:
Synopsis: When a haunted highwayman sets his sights on innocent travellers, it won't take long for The Frontiersman to start investigating these robberies.
Creators (with Twitter handle):
I.J. v. H.
J. F.
P. M.
Voice Actors (with Twitter handles):
The Frontiersman/Trapper – Jonathan Monk
The Fur Trader/Coyote - David Wandelt @dwandelt
The Nobleman/James Byron - Jakob Drummond @JakobDrummond
Annoyed Citizen - Drew Boboltz @hupfva
Town Mayor - Ryan Gault @GaultVo
Crane - Cameron Gergett @JasperZoink
Therese - Kathryn Stanley @kstanley42
Thug Nr .1 - Kieran Walsh @ataleof2kierans
Thug Nr. 2 - Cai Gwilym Pritchard @mynameisnotcai
Thug Nr.3 - David Lamb @DavidLambVA
Thug Nr.4, The Dullahan - Jay Callan @JayCallanVa
Frightened Traveller - Samuel-Alejandro Fuentes @RHoDoom
Frightened Man - Moosedup Productions @ProducerMoose
Frightened Woman - Kayla Valderas @VA_Valderas
Artist (only Twitter handle):
Sound Effects and Music: